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The 2014 Parish Life Conference took place from July 2-6 at the Antiochian Village. It was enjoyed by all who attended. Congratulations to our teen oratorical contestant and bible teams for representing our community and for doing a great job. The terrible towel was present in force as our bible bowl teams competed with parishes from the Eastern Region.

Each of the parish organizations have been preparing dinners for the people of FOCUS Pittsburgh. We thank them all for this ministry.

The Antiochian Women are planning a social night out soon, if you would like to attend please see Maria Terezis.

The St. George Teen SOYO raised over $2,000 for FOCUS Pittsburgh to use for canned food.

If anyone needs counsel, a visit, or anything, please contact Fr. Demetrios at 412-721-5828. We love you all and are here for you. Don’t stay away from your St. George family!

We kindly ask that each parishioner be mindful of their faith/ pledge offerings throughout the summer. Unfortunately our church’s expenses do not slow over the summer. Thank you to all for your offerings which are expressions of our faith and love for God and the church.